Thursday, September 11, 2014

Canterbury today!

ULM Student Center 163
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

President Garrett Boyte is in charge of today's meeting because I am at a Clergy Day. I will see the Bishop and do my best to get an answer from him about being celebrant at our outdoor Eucharist in October!

Garrett has your copies of the book we are studying, "Encounters with Jesus," by Timothy Keller. He also has money to buy food.

In addition, please discuss the mission trip in December. If you are all good with the idea of going to connect with St. Anna's in New Orleans, I need to start making arrangements. Please pick dates for us to be there that include a Sunday so we can worship with the folks at St. Anna's and that also include a day for us to do a work project in NOLA.

I'll see you next week!

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