Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bishop Jake on God's Great Story

The Inconspicuous God 

Life makes sense.  Sometimes.  But if we’re really honest, we have to admit that there are plenty of times that we’re just holding our breath and trusting that something will come of this mess, or we feel so much joy that we worry that it has to end sometime, or things are coming at us so quickly that they’re kind of a blur.

Zhang Xiaogang's "Writing"
When my parents were getting a nasty divorce, when I married Joy, when our baby girl was facing open heart surgery, when I got my mom out of the morgue, when I was consecrated fourth Bishop of Western Louisiana, life had lots of loose ends needing to be tied up.
The funny thing about life is that we live it looking for a happy ending that we will never get to read.  Life as we live it is always an unfinished story.  To keep turning the next page in that story, we have to have some reason to believe that the story really will come together.  Really will make sense.  Our lives will have meant something.
Some voices in the world tell us to believe in ourselves.  They insist that we are the author of our lives.  Jesus tells us something different.  God believes in us.  God is writing us into his story even now.   (more)

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