Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bishop Jake Nails It... Again

Learning the lesson of seeing Lazarus


Lots of us have imagined what it would be like to be invisible. And a variety of popular authors have helped us to run with that fantasy. For instance, J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak. He wears it from time to time to fight the evil forces aligned with Lord Voldemort.

This sort of invisibility exists purely in fiction. Jesus, by contrast, tells a parable about a very real kind of invisibility. His parable of Lazarus and the rich man teaches us about our power to treat others as if they were invisible and about how this very power always turns against the one who wields it. (Luke 16:19-31)

Read more here.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Two Lost Sons

What are some characteristics of the two sons in Jesus' parable? What characteristics do they share? How are they different?

Last week, we got so involved in discussing our first question that we left 9 questions unaddressed! This week we will pick up where we left off, and if we get through those other 9 questions, we'll move on into a closer focus on the elder son.                

5 - 6 p.m.
Student Center 160

And here's a link to a very interesting article found by Garrett about one RC priest's struggle with his elder-brotherness!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A father had two sons...

 This week we take a closer look at the two sons in the parable we call "the prodigal son." We'll consider the nature of "lostness" and our definitions of "sin."

Monday, 10/14
Student Center 163
5 - 6 p.m.

See you there.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Who were the people around Jesus?

Why was Jesus always getting into trouble for hanging out with the "wrong" crowd? We'll pick up our study of "The Prodigal God" with a short clip from the video we watched last week and turn to the question of who the people around Jesus were and how that matters to our understanding of the story.

See you.....                                   
Monday, 5 - 6 p.m.
Student Center 160


Friday, October 4, 2013

A Prayer for the Feast of St. Francis

"What great claws you have!"

O Lord, grant us the grace to respect and care for your creation.
Lord, hear our prayer. 

O Lord, bless all of your creatures as a sign of your wondrous love.
Lord, hear our prayer. 

O Lord, help us to end the suffering of the poor and bring healing to all of your creation.
Lord, hear our prayer. 

O Lord, help us to use our technological inventiveness to undo the damage we have done to your creation and to sustain your gift of nature.
Lord, hear our prayer. 

(Photo by BJK at Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, March 2013. )